Interessante discussione, a cui aggiungo un commento ricevuto da un birder straniero sulla bestiola da me fotografata, che trovate qui: che posso dire di mio, è che il verso in questo caso, possa davvero fare la differenza.
Simon Rolland mi scrive:
"I am not saying this is an abietinus but this is certainly not a
>"typical" tristis, in fact I think it's more likely to be a pale
>fulvescens type because of the combination of the following criteria :
>-upperparts too pale and grey for a tristis
>-too much green/yellow in the plumage, with especially some yellow in
>the supercilium and I'm quite sure there is a few green on the scaps
>-bill and legs too pale
>-underparts too white (and no buff on flanks on your photo)
>-tristis voice
>Quite an interesting bird, the plumage is not so far from that of "grey
>abietinus" so as I write above it's probably a "siberian type" bird from
>the western part of the range of this type.
>Have you received other opinions on this bird than mine ?
>Best regards,