PhD sul Gallo cedrone

PhD sul Gallo cedrone

Messaggioda KTF » 31 lug 2014, 12:30

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PhD project: The influence of wind turbines and outdoor
recreation on capercaillie behaviour
We are looking for a PhD candidate for a project on the disturbance ecology
of capercaillie Tetrao urogallus. For a project description, see below.
Because field work will involve regular contacts with local land owners and
forest personnel, fluent German is essential. Previous work experience in
Austria would be helpful. Suitable candidates must combine solid knowledge
of, and interest in, ecological and ethological theory, with field work
experience and technical skills (catching, radio-telemetry), and social
competence (team work and stake holder contacts).
The candidate must be able to work independently, but also be willing to
coordinate his/her work with many others. Since field work in the Alps will
involve long times outdoors, the candidate must be physically fit. Working
with GPS-telemetry involves using a range of equipment and computer
programs; therefore the candidate should have some affinity to technology.
During the study, a large amount of data will be analysed which requires
good statistical knowledge and working with software such as R-Statistics.
We a looking for a person who is interested in combining fieldwork and
statistical analyses to develop a scientifically rigorous, theory-based study
on the disturbance ecology effects of wind power development on
The Project: In Central Europe, the capercaillie Tetrao urogallus is a redlisted
species, and its range is restricted to mountain ranges. Capercaillie
are perceived as susceptible to human disturbance and are prone to
collisions with man-made structures such are fences and cables. In the
central European mountain ranges capercaillie habitats in many cases
overlap with areas optimally located for the construction of wind turbines.
The current political will to increase this “green energy” causes pressure to
construct wind parks also in areas with capercaillie presence. Although the
effects of wind turbines on capercaillie have not yet been studied, the
sensitivity of the species to all kinds of human activities make it likely that
wind turbines do affect the behaviour.
A new cooperative project coordinated by the Forest Research Institute of
Baden-Württemberg (FVA), will study the spatial and temporal behaviour of
capercaillie, and assess the effects of wind turbines and human outdoor
activities on capercaillie behaviour. Direct (telemetry) and indirect (signs
such as faeces, feathers) approaches will be combined to compare
capercaillie behaviour before, during, and after construction of wind parks in
Austria and in the Black Forest. In Austria, several wind parks are currently
under development. Here, capercaillie will be followed using GPS telemetry.
Acceleration sensors in the transmitters will allow estimating energy budgets
and distinguishing categories of behaviour. Major cooperation partners in
this project are the University of Freiburg (UF), the Max Planck Institute for
Ornithology, Radolfzell (MPI), and various researchers in Austria and
Switzerland. The ultimate goal is to develop a solid knowledge basis for land
use decisions regarding capercaillie and wind power development. As part of
this larger cooperative project on the effects of wind turbines on capercaillie,
the PhD student will focus on the telemetry study. The PhD student will be
supervised by the UF, Chair of Wildlife Ecology and Management, and 2
closely work with colleagues at FVA. MPI will provide technical advice on
GPS telemetry and related data analysis.
The PhD Position: To start off the PhD project, we offer the PhD candidate
a 1-year position as a scientific assistant (geprüfte wissenschaftliche
Hilfskraft). During this year we expect the candidate to develop a detailed
work plan for the telemetry study and to secure future funding for his/her
own further position (e.g., scholarship).Travel and equipment costs will be
covered by project funds, which are secure for the entire project period of 5
years. During the initial one year period the person will be based mostly in
Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) but must also travel to different places to
get to know the technical possibilities of telemetry and ways of catching
capercaillie. This one year position is planned to start as soon as possible.
The requirements are: Master of Science (M.Sc.) or equivalent degree in
Biology or a related discipline; driver’s license; fluent spoken and written
German and English.

For more information on the project, contact project coordinator
Joy Coppes
Tel. +49-761-4018171
If you are interested in this position, send your CV, publication list, a pdf file
your MSc thesis and your most significant publications, and a letter of
motivation by email not later than 30 september 2014, to:
Ilse Storch
Chair of Wildlife Ecology and Management
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Karol Tabarelli de Fatis - EBN 109
Last lifers: Sabine's gull (Xema sabini)
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